
KidSport Edmonton provides support for families facing financial barriers so they can participate in registered sport programs.

For the 2024-2025 season KidSport has announced the KidSport Oil Country Hockey Assist Program that will cover a maximum $750 and equipment for qualified players.

Please note that you must be registered online with Confed Hockey prior to making an application to KidSport. Payment does not need to be made at time of registration.

Please let us know at Confed that you are applying for KidSport when you register.

The best way to apply for KidSport is through the Online KidSport Application.

You can also email KidSport directly with any questions.

Other Funding Options

In addition to KidSport, there are other organizations that offer funding:


Hockey Canada Assist

Confederation Hockey also offers a Bingo program to help with individual family fundraising towards Registration Fees.


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